CREATE your products or service!


Grades 2-6

Studio-lab Hours
Mondays: 15:00-19:00
Thursdays: 15:00-18:00

CCCventure Timetable

As members grow and develop within the program or join at higher levels, they are exposed to a more diverse set of concepts and ideas that help them broaden their perspective. Their focus also broadens to encompass a more extensive range of knowledge, skills, and tools. This includes the application of their learning to a future business environment, with language being treated as a vital communication tool for entrepreneurship.


  • CCCventure

    Includes studio-lab and habit time!
    Mondays from 15:00-19:00
    Thursdays from 15:00-18:00

  • Session Options (Once or twice a week):
    CCCventure x success

    Grades 2-3: 16:20-17:50 (M・Th)
    Grades 4-6: 17:10-18:40 (M)

  • CCCventure x success x stories

    Grades 2-3: 15:30-17:50 (M・Th)
    Grades 4-6: 16:20-18:40 (M)

  • Click the green tab above to tailor your child’s CCC experience!
