IMAGINE your story!


Grades 2-6

Studio-lab Hours
Mondays: 15:00-19:00
Thursdays: 15:00-18:00

CCCstories Timetable

We ENJOY stories! Stories are the way we as humans are naturally wired to share our experiences, thoughts and ideas with the world, no matter how wacky or silly! Facilitators teach the CCC way. We facilitate members to build logic skills for language and math vocabulary and story skills in words, numbers and pictures in both Japanese and English. By reading stories bilingually and exploring and discussing, we work on the logic of our language and math skills. We need language and math to tell effective stories!


  • CCCstories

    Includes studio-lab and habit time!
    Mondays from 15:00-19:00
    Thursdays from 15:00-18:00

  • Session Options (Once or twice a week):

    Grades 2-3: 15:30-16:10 (M・Th)

  • CCCstories x success

    Grades 2-3: 15:30-17:00 (M・Th)
    Grades 4-6: 16:20-17:50 (M)

  • CCCstories x success x venture

    Grades 2-3: 15:30-17:50 (M・Th)
    Grades 4-6: 16:20-18:40 (M)

  • Click the green tab above to tailor your child’s CCC experience!
